Végre tavasz van. Alattomos tél volt, nem tudok jobbat rá mondani. Februárig alig volt hideg, utána viszont kaptunk rendesen. A legnagyobb baj, hogy száraz hidegre jött a hó. Most tapasztal hatjuk, hogy milyen szárazság van. Locsolhatunk !
A hirtelen jött meleg miatt minden fát vegyünk ki a teleltetőből, vizsgáljuk meg, ha kell ültessük át, az elfagyott ágakat az egészséges részig vágjuk vissza. A fenyők hosszú tűlevelűit is 1cm -re vágjuk meg. A borókák lombját is most kell megcsipkedni, mert később megbarnul. Minden a helyére került ne feledjük a növényvédelmet- permetezzünk-!
Elsőnek az Óbudai Bonsai Egyesület rendezett bemutatót.
Pár kép a kiállított alkotásokról:
Bartusek László
English verson........
Welcome all bonsai-fancier!
Spring is finally here. They were dry prolonged winter months as long a bunch of snow had fallen at the end of February. So in March we can experience what a drought is because the snow has come onto dry, cold weather. We have to watered a lot. In the sudden heat threes need to be removed from winter-cover - examined - and be replanted if it' necesseary. Winter-killed branches have to be cut off as far healthy fragments also the long pine-needles be short. Juniper's leafages must be laced now cause they are browned later. Finally don't forget about pest control and spraying!
Spring is coming Bonsai exhibitions are opening :) The first is Óbuda Bonsai Club's bonsai exibition. You can see some photos of it above.
English verson........
Welcome all bonsai-fancier!
Spring is finally here. They were dry prolonged winter months as long a bunch of snow had fallen at the end of February. So in March we can experience what a drought is because the snow has come onto dry, cold weather. We have to watered a lot. In the sudden heat threes need to be removed from winter-cover - examined - and be replanted if it' necesseary. Winter-killed branches have to be cut off as far healthy fragments also the long pine-needles be short. Juniper's leafages must be laced now cause they are browned later. Finally don't forget about pest control and spraying!
Spring is coming Bonsai exhibitions are opening :) The first is Óbuda Bonsai Club's bonsai exibition. You can see some photos of it above.